I mentioned I was looking to put a few hard-boat dives in the calendar ahead of getting the RHIB back in the water at Easter in an attempt to keep the dive juices flowing & have something regular to look forward to so after the Plymouth trip on the 4th here is the next one!
A day trip to dive the M2 submarine on Scimitar out of Portland Harbour – This is a 2 dive day so no coming back to port, firstly we dive the amazing M2 then with a surface interval of about 90 mins before we have a second dive on either the James Fennell, Aerials, cannon ball run or harbour wreck, max depth 22m cost is £75 and its ropes off at 10:30
Other hard-boat trips out of Portland will be scattered in-between the potential RHIB weekend trips out of Plymouth so you’ll be spoilt for choice!